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Are you operating without a net? You are if you do not have a Policy and Procedure Manual. The DOL and the EEOC publish guidelines for companies expressing the required recordkeeping standards but what they don't tell you is what you need to survive an audit. We can help. This "plug & play" Policy & Procedure Manual will get well on your way to compliance and greatly reduce your liability,

We can provide you with a fully customized Policy and Procedure Manual for your company that will address the actual day to day functions of your company and the individualized needs of your personnel. This is not a "canned or plug and play" manual. This Manual will be put together with your company's needs and best interest in mind.We will keep you both federally and locally compliant as well as help you stay on the right side of the EEOC.

Pricing varies. Base fee + Consult + Time to produce. Call for Quote.

Policy & Procedure Manual

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